Hamlet full movie
Hamlet full movie

It seems that he has taken up a self-imposed challenge to remain truthful but appear mad and nonsensical. Moreover, a fool will not be considered as a threat to the throne even if someone questioned Fengi’s right to rule, he would not possibly replace Fengi with Amleth, who, being an imbecile, would be even worse a ruler than a murderer. The logic is probably that a fool cannot be subjected to judicial violence as an ordinary person is – this may be why Tristan cannot be sentenced to death while he is still possessed by madness. Having witnessed all this and feared for his own life, Amleth decided to feign madness.

hamlet full movie

Lies were told about Orvendil, so everyone believed that Fengi’s fratricide was an act of justice and necessity.

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Now, jealous of his brother’s success, Fengi murdered Orvendil and married Gerutha.

Hamlet full movie